Travel Essentials, Part 1:

More than a few times this week, I found myself in a state of disheartened disbelief. Limbs paralyzed and heart two centimeters from full implosion, I was numb to my surroundings.

A dangerous thought elbowed its way to the forefront of my mind, insistent on being recognized and respected.

“I just want to cry.”

This thought, as thoughts are want to do, believed it was the only thought worth thinking. Uninvited, it was more confident of its belonging than I was of it being there. And so it wedged itself into place, getting comfortable, spreading out.

It felt like the end. But I still had a choice.

Just as this ugly little creature settled in, I dislodged it with a deep breath. An in-out-repeat sort of motion that it had not been expecting, and that it did not know how to fight.

Because, after all, it was just a thought; a cloud, a blip, a whisper of the intangible, manifested somewhere in the mind. Thoughts cannot fight to be there. They can only exist for as long as you allow them. When you’ve decided that this thought is one you can let go, it disappears. It has no other choice.

The problem is, most of us rarely allow these tiny imaginary beings to leave. We hold onto them, thinking that our cyclical imaginations will eventually tire them out.

They won’t.

We must let them go.

Because I am also human, I understand that this is much easier said than done. But when it’s done, life suddenly becomes easy. And an easy life, now, that sounds much better than a hard one, doesn’t it?

Traveling has many of these same qualities. You can make it easy on yourself, or you can make it hard. From planning to packing, and everything in between, there are so many opportunities to make your life easier. For most of my existence, however, I’ve been one of those people who has made everything hard.

I have always carried the biggest suitcase, packed the most changes of clothes, and insisted upon squeezing three carry-ons into two, just because I might want more options.

But, in the spirit of the shifting seasons and overall life cleansing, I’m making a commitment to easy travel, and easy living. Perhaps we can take that plunge together?

And, to help with this, I thought I would give you a peek inside of my vegan travel essentials.


These are the products I carry with me, no matter how long the journey, or how far the destination. It’s worth noting that I’m not sponsored by any of these brands. I just believe in natural, high-quality products, and want to share a few insights with all of you.


My first travel (and life) necessity is Banyan Botanical’s Soothing Skin Balm. From the time I was in Middle School, I struggled with pretty severe acne. After discovering an allergy to benzoyl peroxide, I gave up on over-the-counter, topical acne treatment and visited a dermatologist.

At first, the creams and pills she prescribed worked very well. However, the effectiveness of my medications decreased over time, so that every few years, I would have to start on a different product. It wasn’t until I was in college that I decided that being on constant medication was a poor skin choice. And, after visiting an Ayurvedic specialist, I began using this Soothing Skin Balm instead.

It worked so quickly, I honestly could not believe it. Literally overnight, my skin transformed from slightly inflamed and irritated, to soft and smooth. It sounds unbelievable, but I would highly recommend it to anyone suffering from acne problems. My only regret is that I didn’t find it sooner!
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Next on the list, another Banyan product: Nasya Oil. My road to loving Nasya Oil was a little rocky at first. This oil is meant to help alleviate allergies and even decrease stress. So as someone who suffers from seasonal allergies on a regular basis, this sounded great!

The only problem was the application. Traditionally, Nasya oil is applied by dropping it around the rim of the inside of your nose (you must be lying down to do this), and then remaining in that position for about 3 minutes, breathing deeply, so the oil has a chance to settle in.

I’m sure we can all agree that it’s not always easy to find time during the day to lay down and drop oil in our noses. But, Banyan recently did an article about Nasya Oil where they provided an alternative application process that is SO MUCH easier.

With clean hands, you drop some oil onto your fingertip, and then gently massage it into the inner rim of your nose. This way, you get the benefits of Nasya Oil, without the pesky let-me-lay-down-and-try-not-to-drip-oil-down-my-throat issues. If you’re interested, you can read the article, here.

I love both of these products, not only because they work, but because they’re also organic. The more I learn, the more I believe that what we put on our bodies is just as important as what we put in them. Because of this, I have begun making more conscious choices about everything from deodorant to dish soap. But let’s save household matters for a different time, yes?


The next toiletry I absolutely swear by is this Soap Walla Deodorant Cream. I know what you’re thinking: This hippie-dippy deodorant can’t possibly work as well as the usual stuff. Well friend, that’s just not true.

I will proudly admit that I am an avid sweater. This was yet another discovery from my Middle School days, that I’ve been dealing with ever since. My old routine involved normal deodorant in the morning and then “clinical strength” deodorant at bedtime. And while this method certainly worked, I realized that I was rubbing a whole lot of stuff on my armpits that I couldn’t even pronounce.

So I did a little research, read a helpful blog post from one of my favorite blogs, and decided it was time to make the switch. Admittedly, I was a little nervous about going from my heavy-duty deodorant routine to what seemed to be a gentler, more natural one at the peak of summer sweat season. But I’m so glad I did.

After sweating it out in Munich, attending many a warm yoga class, and just generally hustling in the heat, I can say, this stuff rocks. I’m telling you. If it works for me, it will work for you, too.

As an added bonus, you don’t need much to smell great! I’ve been using this every morning since the end of June and still have more than 2/3 of it left! (This is worth noting, as my mom used a less expensive brand and already needs to buy a replacement.)


But my pride and joy is really this Pure Spirit “Bliss Balm.” Made in Maryland, I have a special place in my heart for this home-grown gem. All of the Pure Spirit Potions smell divine, but this one is, by far, my favorite. Reminiscent of ylang ylang, it makes me feel like such a goddess–and I get compliments from family and friends when they smell it, too!

This is the one product that has a slightly steeper price than I would really like to pay. But you don’t need a lot to get the benefits of the moisturizing oils and sweet smells. And if you treat it as a special bonus in your body-care routine, it can last as long as you need it to.


And when it comes time to shower, I reach for Etta + Billie’s Earl Grey soap. I actually stumbled upon this brand in a little shop while in San Francisco. All of these soaps smell so good and have names that make me want to eat (or drink) them up! I’m looking forward to their Candied Ginger soap, next.

I’ve only just recently started loving bar soaps. For most of my life I thought they were gross and slimy little creatures best left to complimentary hotel toiletry baskets. But not any more!

The secret (for me, and possibly for you as well) is in keeping your bar soaps dry in between uses. I have a nifty little soap dish that I probably picked up at a Bed Bath + Beyond or Target, or really anywhere bath products are sold. As long as you leave your soap dish outside of the shower, your soaps will have a chance to dry off and not take on those scary, gummy qualities to which so many bar soaps succumb.

In keeping with this bar soap theme, I also want to introduce you to Neem soap. I’ve tried many different brands of Neem in the past two-ish years, but this is the brand I’m currently using. I picked this specific one (coincidentally also while in San Francisco) because it is especially good for my doshas. But, they have so many scents and are certainly worth giving a try.

Neem has been used for centuries to aid in good skin, and after a few years of skin-bliss, I am such a believer. It can be strong, so having a mix of neem and other oils in the bar is helpful in avoiding irritation. But I couldn’t imagine washing my face with anything else!

Finally, to round out the essentials, I have dental floss, bobby pins, saline spray, and a nail care set.

I have been a less-than-ideal flosser in the past, so I’m committed to stepping up my floss game. The bobby pins are a definite necessity for putting my hair up in a bun (hair ties tend to hurt my head–probably because I have a lot of hair) or just clipping back a little bit.

The saline spray is for a pesky ear piercing that I’ve been nursing since May. (If you’re lucky and don’t have an ear to nurse, those little bottles are great for a variety of carry-on sized liquids.) And the nail care kit is an absolute must for keeping my digits nice and clean.

With the exception of the Soothing Skin Balm and the nail care set, I typically bring everything else in my TSA-approved liquids pouch. I’m not sure what the rules are on nail clippers, but I don’t like to risk having them taken away. And I can easily scoop a bit of the balm into a smaller container if I absolutely must have it in my carry on.

Most, if not all of these products are made with organic ingredients, by people who truly care about offering us wholesome, safe solutions for our daily hygiene needs. Although some of the price tags may look expensive at first, when you see how little of each you actually need on a daily basis, they really do become smart investments for your health and happiness.

So, if you’ve been looking to lighten your load, or make simple changes in the products you use, I would highly recommend you give these a shot! And if you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

So there you have it. Beautiful, healthful products for a beautiful, healthful life. Taking inventory of our thoughts and our possessions is such a fantastic way to come to terms with what is still serving us, and what we can let go.

This Week’s Inspiration:

For the Eyes: Take a moment to gather pictures (YES actual, PHYSICAL pictures) of the ones you love. Having these memories on your computer or phone is all well and good, but printing a photo that means something to you allows you to access a whole new realm of feelings. Try it. Bring these pictures together in a place you can easily see, somewhere in your house, and just pause to enjoy the space you’ve created.

For the Ears: Listen to music that both grounds you and lifts you up. I’ve had Trevor Hall’s new album on repeat, lately. But anything that gives you wings and nourishes your soul is the right thing for you.

For the Soul: Patience. As we move into this new season, it can be easy to find ourselves short on patience, with ourselves and with each other. Let’s make an effort to take a deep breath, exhale, and understand that everything will work out. It will.


Til next time, friends.

2 thoughts on “Travel Essentials, Part 1:

  1. I loved this post!! I can’t wait to try some of the products! I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning so I decided to lay back down, diffuse some lavender essential oil, and read your blog! It put an instant smile on my face and eased my mind!! Happy Wednesday!

    • Thank you, Heather! You’re so sweet! Waking up on the wrong side of the bed is rough, so kudos to you for listening to your body and being gentle with yourself. I’m so glad that I could bring a little more brightness to your day! The happiest of Wednesdays to you as well.

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